GLOphotonics and Xlim visiting ALPhANOV
In the framework of the CRYST^3 project, GLOphotonics and XLIM located in Limoges, visited the premises of ALPhANOV in Talence.
XLIM, GLOphotonics and ALPhANOV work in tight collaboration in the project to design and develop a novel platform based on cold atoms in a hollow core fiber for the study of quantum phenomena. From scratch to the lab product to finally scale to industry, this novel platform will path the way to the future of quantum devices.
During the visit, the discussion was focused on work packages 1 (HCPCF: Design, supply, and post-processing, WP leader: UNILIM/XLIM) and 5 (Dissemination and exploitation, WP leader: ALPhANOV). A plan of action to show the technical feasibility of the assembly of the different parts of the all-fiber platform was defined and a list of future communications and participation in events was set up.