•Université de Limoges •
XLIM (UMR 7252 CNRS/University of Limoges/University of Poitiers) is a multidisciplinary research institute located on several geographical sites: in Limoges, Brive and Poitiers.
It brings together more than 470 researchers, engineers, technicians, post-doctoral researchers, PhD students and administrative staff. The institute is structured around 6 research focus in the domain of electronics and microwaves, optics and photonics, CAD, mathematics, computer sciences and image processing.
The project involves the research team Gas-Phase Photonic and Microwave Materials group (GPPMM). These activities stem from its work on hollow-core photonic crystal fibre (HC-PCF) and its capabilities of confining gas-phase materials inside HC-PCF. The long term aim of the GPPMM group is to anticipate the advent of the photonic computer by developing and gathering the necessary ingredients and functionalities with its unique scientific and technical expertise in gas-phase photonic materials and components. In its endeavours to reach this aim, it relies on the expertise of Xlim in micro and nano-electronics and photonics on one hand on IRCER for material synthesis.
Role in the project :
The GPPMM role's in CRYST^3 entails several workpackages. GPPMM leads the technology workpackage whose aim is to develop innovative and highly functionalised Rubidium photonic microcell (Rb-PMC). This work entails HCPCF design, atom loading processing and photonic material nanostructuring. In collaboration with GLOphotonics, this works also aims to develop pathways to up-scale the processing of Rb-PMC assembly. In addition the GPPMM is exploring in-fiber cold atom spectroscopy with the longterm objective to create a raddically novel quantum component via the development of cold-atom core photonic crystal fibre. Finally, the GPPMM attempt to demonstrate the generation of exotic light radiation via superradiance in Rb-filled HCPCF.